Hussam Osama Azzuni

MSc Student
Computer Vision

I am currently pursuing an MSc in the Computer Vision department at Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI). Before joining the MSc program at MBZUAI, I graduated from Middle East Technical University NCC from the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. During that time, I have worked in different kinds of projects such as: 8-bit Arithmetic CPU design, 16-bit Adder VLSI design and comparison, and a Hand motion-controlled Fire Fighter Robot with a Night Vision Camera for my graduation project. My main interest revolves around using technology and Artificial Intelligence to help other people, and make a huge impact in the world. 

I am very eager to work under the supervision of Dr. Hang Dai and Dr. Mohammed Yaqub in the healthcare field hoping to contribute towards people's wellbeing and happiness.